For more, here's a link to My Github repo

Xenon Apps Wesbite

Xenon Apps is a software startup created by a few friends and colleagues from my time as an undergraduate at UVM. I was offered the task of helping to design and create a professional quality website for the company and eagerly accepted. The site is statically-generated using harp.js with LESS CSS to create a fast, responsive and professional site. I carefully considered the layout, organization, and color scheme to create a page that was simple to use, yet elegant - qualities that represent all of the company's work.

Machine-Bit (Name Pending)

This is a simple, custom GUI tool for calculating chip loads, RPMs and feed rates for CNC machinery. It is written in Python and uses the GTK+3 graphics library. Github Link

Co-op Code

This is a web application I started with Ethan Eldridge in which visitors to the site are paired with each other to compete together to complete coding challenges. For example, users will be given the same task, such as completing a javascript function that multiplies its argument by two, and returns the result. However, both players must also function as a team, for they cannot move on the next challenege until both have solved the challenge, so if the other challenger cannot complete the task, the other challenger is permitted to help.

The project uses PubNub to establish a connection between players, and prism.js for syntax highlighting

This project is currently on hiatus. Github Link

School-Me -- Vermont Hackathon 2013

Every year in October, tech and local businesses sponser a 24-hour "hackathon" in which local students and developers of all ages compete in teams to create an application or website that benefits Vermont, using a set of provided APIs fro which to choose. I along with Ethan Eldridge, Scott MacEwan and Evan Yandell set out to create a website called "School Me", a web application that allowed prospective Vermont residents to quickly examine data about Vermont schools, such as enrollment, graduataion rates, NECAP scores and more, all displayed within a google map with custom data filtration. Github Link


Papyrus is a basic text editor written in Python using the PyQt library for its GUI. It has basic new, open, save and close functions, as well as copy and paste. It includes a python syntax highlighter module as well, extended from QtSyntaxHighlighter. Github Link

Gmail Notifier

A simple program written in Python for Ubuntu that runs as a background process to check for Unread messages on the user's Gmail account. Using Google's atom feed, messages are collected and parsed. With the final version of the program I have incorporated Ubuntu's NotifyOSD to display unread message titles and summaries. Github link

Novelty Bubble Sort Script

A Python script that generates user-specified-length array of random numbers. The array is witten to a text file, then read back in to the script and sorted using the bubble sort algorithm. When the algorithm is complete, it writes the sorted array to a new text file. Github link