Some Thoughts on the Sudden Push to Teach Computer Science
I recently read an article about the new “Hour of code” being taught in school. The goal is to bring Computer Science into middle schools and high schools so that kids get an earlier start at what is currently one of the most needed skills. First and foremost, I’m not against this notion. However, I’m a little annoyed at how the plan seems more like an under-thought marketing scheme. The first thing that gave me a tick was the phrasing in the title aformentioned article: “Computer science is for everyone”. To be blunt, no, it is definitely not. Sure, anyone can learn at least the very fundamentals of computer science and programming, but that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone.
We’re still not even sure what the most effective way (if there is one at all) to teach programming to undergraduates of computer science, let alone anyone else. Stephen Wolfram has suggested revamping the way we teach math by way of programming. His argument is that removes the robotic tediousness of teaching students to ‘plug and chug’ without ever really understanding what they are doing or why the mathematical concept is worth learning in the first place. I think it would be great to adopt this plan for a period of time and compare the results of those students’ comprehension to those who are taught the current way. I also think that programming should be introduced earlier than middle school and high school. Elementary school children are much less afraid to fail than their older peers, which is the perfect mindset for learning to program.
I suppose a benefit of being exposed to computer science and programming early-on is that students will know sooner whether or not it’s something they’re interested in. If the goal is for the next generation to be cs-literate, I think starting sooner rather than later is better, so that the student doesn’t have to come to the realization that CS is not for them while paying an ungodly amount for college classes. In addition, all beginner programmers should read this