02 Sep 2013

I did it! (With a little help from my friend).

I did it! (With a little help from my friend).

So now that GitHub kindly lets users host their own personal and project pages,
I decided I would finally put together one for myself. The process has mostly started from
figuring out how to get the bare mininum going and has snowballed into incorporating Twitter
Boootstrap 3 and making use of Jekyll to get this blog up and running. Thanks to Ethan I was able to get these blog posts to show up correctly.

So here it is so far, and hopefully without much more time things will start looking better
and start acting like a real site that I can show off to the world. But for now, it’s 1 o’clock
in the morning and I need to go to bed. Goodnight blog. I will see you tomorrow.

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